Ocena skutków regulacji zawartych w rządowym projekcie ustawy o grobach weteranów walk o wolność i niepodległość Polski (druk sejmowy nr 2902)
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 4
The bill aims at paying respect and remembrance to persons who died during a period of peace due to natural causes, but who took part in struggles for the independence and sovereignty of Poland. The bill envisages the creation of a collective record of graves of veterans of struggles for the independence and sovereignty of the Poland, carried out by the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, and the introduction of the system of a financial support for entities that take care for such graves. In the opinion of the author of the impact assessment, the procedure for making entries in the record of graves, and granting or refusing grants or pecuniary benefits should to be regulated in a more detailed way. It has a fragmentary character and does not contain any significant elements enabling the proper functioning of the procedure, which will significantly and permanently charge the state budget.
Authors and Affiliations
Henryk Dzwonkowski
Opinia prawna dotycząca obowiązków prawnych jednostek samorządu terytorialnego wobec właścicieli nieruchomości i roszczeń właścicieli nieruchomości w związku z uchwaleniem miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego albo jego zmianą
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