Ocena związków parametrów postawy ciała zmierzonych fotogrametryczną metodą Moire’a z wybranymi cechami somatycznymi i zdolnościami motorycznymi krakowskich dziewcząt w wieku 14 lat
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 60
[b]Aim of the study.[/b] To evaluate the impact of body posture parameters – as measured with the use of the Moire photogrammetric method – on selected motor skills and somatic features of Krakow’s girls aged 14.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The research material was a group of 140 girls from the 1st form of five of Kraków’s grammar schools. First the subjects’ somatic features were determined. The body height was measured with the anthropometer and the weight with the help of the medical scales. Further research went through two stages. Stage number one included an examination with the use of the Moire projection method which allowed us to obtain fourteen parameters defining the body posture. In the second stage, the marching balance test, and the examination of the movement speed of the upper limbs was conducted.[b]Results.[/b] Following all the examinations, significant correlations were ascertained between many of the parameters measured with the use of the Moire method and the selected motor skills of the subjects.[b]Conclusions.[/b] It was also observed that the body height and body weight of the examined girls significantly influenced some of the body posture parameters as measured with the photogrammetric method.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Walaszek
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