Ochrona jednostki przed bezczynnością organu publicznego w Polsce

Journal Title: Państwo Prawne - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 1


Protect the individual against inactivity of a public authority in Poland The administration can not settle for giving the information as to the absence of a positive settlement of the matter, if there is evidence to settle the matter in the form of a decision. Inaction body, understood as tardiness, is a manifestation of an undesirable phenomenon – bureaucracy. Ensuring an efficient, effective and timely administration of security measures are used, namely the complaint, and the complaint reminder for failure to act. On the one hand, the existence of these institutions creates the possibility of disciplining authorities for timely handling cases, on the other hand allows the parties to proceedings seeking legal protection through the courts.

Authors and Affiliations

Karolina Muzyczka


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Karolina Muzyczka (2015). Ochrona jednostki przed bezczynnością organu publicznego w Polsce. Państwo Prawne, 5(1), 154-176. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-191249