
В статті удосконалено методичний підхід до оцінки рівня розвитку транспортних систем на основі побудови інтегральних показників. Проведений компаративний аналіз рівня розвитку транспортних систем країн ЄС та України. З використанням статистичних методів оцінки взаємозв’язків проведений кореляційний аналіз впливу транспортної складової на економічне зростання країн, на основі якого проведена систематизація країн ЄС за характером зв’язків та рівнем розвитку транспортної системи. The methodical approach to assessing the transport systems development level based on the constructing integrated indicators is improved in the article under way. It is proposed to include in the integrated index the following indicators: indicators of transport work (freight turnover, passenger turnover, transport capacity), indicators of the role of transport in the economic system (the share of transport in the formation of gross value added, GDP, employment, in trade in services), indicators of the infrastructure development as a material and technical basis for the transport system functioning (length and density of roads, railroad, the number of transport vehicles, seaports and airports), environmental indicators that characterize the impact of transport on the environment. A comparative analysis of the EU and Ukraine transport systems development level is carried out. The calculations made have shown that in the ranking of countries with the highest national transport system development level in the 2015, the top ten leaders include Germany (0.612), the Netherlands (0.399), France (0.381), Great Britain (0.381), Luxembourg (0.361), Poland (0.358), Denmark (0.354), Italy (0.343) Lithuania (0.342) and Czech Republic (0.340). Ukraine is ranked 12th after Estonia with an integrated index of 0.336. Ukraine ranks 12th at the expense of the highest figures for the freight turnover of pipelines and rail transport, large volumes of passenger traffic in the railways, high share of transport in GDP and exports. The dynamics of Ukraine’s transport system the decrease development on the basis of the integrated index demonstrates the decreasing trend, for the period of 2011-2015 it has decreased by 6%, while in 2011 the Ukraine’s transport system among the EU countries took the 7th place, in 2014 - the 14th place, in 2015 - 12th place. Using the statistical methods for identifying interconnections, the correlation analysis of the influence of the transport component on the country’s economic growth was carried out. It makes possible to systematize the EU countries into groups based on the nature of the interconnections identified and the level of transport system development. The medium and high correlation between economic growth rates and the dynamics of the transport system development integrated index was identified for the 17 EU countries and Ukraine. Lithuania and Latvia have a close but inverse correlation between economic growth rates and transport system development level. There is no significant correlation between economic growth and the transport system development of Germany, whose share in the EU's GDP is the largest and makes 20%, country has the most developed transport system. The other large EU economies such as France (the share of the EU's GDP is 15.2%), Great Britain (15.6%), Italy (11.7%), Spain (7.5%). The Netherlands (4.7%) have a very high correlation between economic growth and the transport systems development level. As Ukraine has a high level of transport system development, which, according to the calculations made, correlates with the rates of economic growth, it is expedient to study the experience of countries with have the more developed transport system in terms of its implementation in programs for transport system development and modernization.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Захарова, К. В. Сухова


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How To Cite

О. В. Захарова, К. В. Сухова (2018). ОЦІНКА РІВНЯ РОЗВИТКУ ТРАНСПОРТНИХ СИСТЕМ КРАЇН ЯК ФАКТОРУ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОГО ЗРОСТАННЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 8(16), 75-85. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-574685