Implementation of printing techniques in production of inexpensive photovoltaic power sources
The text presents the basic issues of offset printing and shows instances of state of the art technological solutions from mai...
Adhesives used in the production of food packaging and toys: legal aspects and safety
Migration of hazardous substances from the packaging and materials in contact with the food and direct contact with the children is an...
Implementation of bioactive layers in printed products
This paper presents requirements and possibilities for bioactive materials
used to create a functional film for printed products. A presentation of currently
known s...
Wykorzystanie technik druku w produkcji tanich ogniw fotowoltaicznych
Implementation of printing techniques in production of inexpensive photovoltaic power sources The text presents the basic issues of offset printing and shows instances of state of the art technological solutions from mai...
Kleje wykorzystywane w produkcji opakowań żywności i zabawek – aspekty prawnei bezpieczeństwo
Adhesives used in the production of food packaging and toys: legal aspects and safety Migration of hazardous substances from the packaging and materials in contact with the food and direct contact with the children is an...
London Book Fair 2017
Sprawozdanie z londyńskich targów książki 2017
Od redakcji
Nota redakcyjna
Zastosowanie warstw bioaktywnych w wyrobach poligraficznych
Implementation of bioactive layers in printed products This paper presents requirements and possibilities for bioactive materials used to create a functional film for printed products. A presentation of currently known s...