Recenzja książki
Encyklopedia książki. T.1. Eseje, A–J, T. 2. K–Z.
Red. Anna Żbikowska-Migoń, Marta Skalska-Zlat.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego,
Wrocław 2017, ss. 780+772. ISBN 978-83-229-3543-9.
Examination of the surface of cellulose films with and without printing, made with biodegradable inks by means of a profilometer, confocal and scanning microscops
The article presents the visual effects of solar and UV-V...
Adhesives used in the production of food packaging and toys: legal aspects and safety
Migration of hazardous substances from the packaging and materials in contact with the food and direct contact with the children is an...
Vocational education – is it bad and can it be better
Analysis of the current situation in graphic arts vocational education, as taught in Polish high schools. Changes resulting from the governmental education reform. Di...
Długo oczekiwane kompendium
Recenzja książki Encyklopedia książki. T.1. Eseje, A–J, T. 2. K–Z. Red. Anna Żbikowska-Migoń, Marta Skalska-Zlat. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2017, ss. 780+772. ISBN 978-83-229-3543-9.
Badanie powierzchni folii celulozowych bez nadruku i z nadrukiem farbami biodegradowalnymi przy użyciu profilometru, mikroskopu konfokalnego i mikroskopu skaningowego
Examination of the surface of cellulose films with and without printing, made with biodegradable inks by means of a profilometer, confocal and scanning microscops The article presents the visual effects of solar and UV-V...
Kleje wykorzystywane w produkcji opakowań żywności i zabawek – aspekty prawnei bezpieczeństwo
Adhesives used in the production of food packaging and toys: legal aspects and safety Migration of hazardous substances from the packaging and materials in contact with the food and direct contact with the children is an...
Szkolnictwo zawodowe – czy jest złe i czy może być lepsze
Vocational education – is it bad and can it be better Analysis of the current situation in graphic arts vocational education, as taught in Polish high schools. Changes resulting from the governmental education reform. Di...
London Book Fair 2017
Sprawozdanie z londyńskich targów książki 2017