The article contains essay-like considerations on causes of the phenomenon of scientifi c plagiarism. The paper shows that an excess of the so-called professional codes of ethics effectively stifl es the voice of our con...
The aim of study: The study presents a method of a reconstruction of the palatum after maxillectomy.This method is choosen in selected cases of malignant tumors of the maxilla. Material and methods: The method is combine...
Isolated laryngeal fractures quite rarely can occur following trauma to the neck region, but because of the variety and dynamic growth of symptoms or possible injury of the main structures on the neck may be life-threate...
SUMMARY Introduction: The aim of the work was to analyse sudden deterioration of hearing and/or vertigo occurrence as an early symptom of posterior cranial fossa tumours. Material and methods: Among 1.394 people who repo...
Introduction: Upper respiratory tract infections are common childhood diseases. Children are more susceptible to middle ear infections because their Eustachian tube is short, straight and wide. As a consequence of these...
EP ID EP345804
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How To Cite
Łukasz Sikora (2011). Odległe skutki oparzenia dróg oddechowych w wyniku wybuchu metanu. Otolaryngologia Polska, 65(1),
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„Nie kradnij” znaczy także „nie popełniaj plagiatu”
The article contains essay-like considerations on causes of the phenomenon of scientifi c plagiarism. The paper shows that an excess of the so-called professional codes of ethics effectively stifl es the voice of our con...
Reconstruction after maxillectomy using the temporalis muscle flap – our experience
The aim of study: The study presents a method of a reconstruction of the palatum after maxillectomy.This method is choosen in selected cases of malignant tumors of the maxilla. Material and methods: The method is combine...
Extensive neck trauma in material of Otolaryngology Department of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow 2009–2012
Isolated laryngeal fractures quite rarely can occur following trauma to the neck region, but because of the variety and dynamic growth of symptoms or possible injury of the main structures on the neck may be life-threate...
Posterior cranial fossa tumours as a cause of sudden hearing deterioration and/or vertigo
SUMMARY Introduction: The aim of the work was to analyse sudden deterioration of hearing and/or vertigo occurrence as an early symptom of posterior cranial fossa tumours. Material and methods: Among 1.394 people who repo...
Assesment effectiveness of treatment Eustachian tube dysfunction using pneumatic inhaler AMSA
Introduction: Upper respiratory tract infections are common childhood diseases. Children are more susceptible to middle ear infections because their Eustachian tube is short, straight and wide. As a consequence of these...