Odpowiedź na pytanie na temat konieczności montażu liczników i podzielników ciepła w terminie do 31 grudnia 2016 r.
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 50, Issue 2
The question of the need for the installation of meters and heat cost allocators appeared in the course of Sejm work on the govern‑ ment bill concerning energy efficiency (Sejm Paper No. 426). Based on the EU legislation on energy efficiency, the author states that they require that in the buildings supplied with heating or cooling or hot water from external sources, Member States must ensure that a meter is installed (by 5 June 2014) at the heat exchanger or the point of delivery to the building. Member States are required to ensure that individual consumption meters are installed (by 31 December 2016) in multi-apartment and multi-function buildings supplied from a common source within such buildings and buildings supplied from a district heating/cooling network or a central source servicing multiple buildings, unless they consider it not to be technically feasible or costeffective. Otherwise individual heat cost allocators must be installed for each radiator. Member States may waive the requirement for their use, if they can demonstrate that to install them would not be cost-effective. Then, they should consider the use of alternative cost-effective ways to measure the consumption of heat energy
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Łacny
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