Off-the-Shelf Platform for remote monitoring of vital signs

Journal Title: MASKANA - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 4


This document shows work-in-progress in the implementation of a platform for remote monitoring of health care data using ready to use devices. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use application to gather specific control parameters directly related to type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The idea of remote monitoring for e-health is not new but there exist open questions about the radio technology to use in these applications. Some standards are often associated with these kinds of applications, standards such as: IEEE 802.15.4 and ANT+. We try to explore the benefits of using out of the box technology to reduce development and deployment time of applications sending gathered data over the Internet. The utilization of Smartphones as concentrator node is also discussed, as it make possible to use sensors already embedded in the device as well as other multipurpose and ready to use sensors using ANT+ technology.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriel Barros, Darwin Astudillo S.


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How To Cite

Gabriel Barros, Darwin Astudillo S. (2015). Off-the-Shelf Platform for remote monitoring of vital signs. MASKANA, 6(4), -.