The article analyzes selected literary representations of partial genocide in the Congo
Free State (1880–1908) as documents of the discourse of truth (in the sense of M. Foucault)
in a given era. Considerations use achie...
The aim of the article is to present the issues related to human life protection. First, the
author discusses the legal matters related to the European Declaration of Human Rights
in the context of value of life. Then, p...
This article is the result of my considerations on the future of Poland. It is a proposal
for creation of a research project devoted to a systemic analysis of the transformation process
and aimed at grasping the transiti...
The turn of the 19th and 20th century brought modernity in Galicia. One consequence of
this process was radicalization of political life. Democratic liberals, Galician political activists
connected with the Cracow democr...
Starcie rywalizujących nurtów pamięci
Prawdy Lokeli. Literackie reprezentacje ludobójstwa częściowego w Wolnym Państwie Kongo 1880–1908
The article analyzes selected literary representations of partial genocide in the Congo Free State (1880–1908) as documents of the discourse of truth (in the sense of M. Foucault) in a given era. Considerations use achie...
Prawo do życia
The aim of the article is to present the issues related to human life protection. First, the author discusses the legal matters related to the European Declaration of Human Rights in the context of value of life. Then, p...
Poszukiwanie tożsamości w procesie transformacyjnym
This article is the result of my considerations on the future of Poland. It is a proposal for creation of a research project devoted to a systemic analysis of the transformation process and aimed at grasping the transiti...
Bezradność liberałów. Postawa stronnictwa demokratyczno-liberalnego wobec radykalizacji życia politycznego w Galicji na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
The turn of the 19th and 20th century brought modernity in Galicia. One consequence of this process was radicalization of political life. Democratic liberals, Galician political activists connected with the Cracow democr...