CNG repeats (N stands for one of the four natural nucleotides) are a special class of microsatellite sequences of the human genome. They are most often found in exons, in their coding parts as well as in the 5’ or 3’ unt...
In recent years, a progressive increase in age-related disorders could be observed in most western countries, among which Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most challenging. The progress of AD is characterized by a...
In September 1861, the German town of Speyr hosted the 36th Congress of German Scientists and Physicians. During the event, a Russian chemist A.M.Butlerow gave a lecture entitled: “Einiges ueber chemische Struktur der Kö...
Refractory metal nanopowders have recently been of interest as starting materials for preparation of heavy alloys with exceptionally good mechanical properties resulting from their structure homogeneity at a nanoscopic l...
Proteins are macromolecules that carry out most of the biochemical functions of the cell, which strongly depend on the secondary and tertiary structure, defined by the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain. The impo...
EP ID EP591221
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How To Cite
Ignazy Z. Siemion (2011). Okruchy XXI. O życiu i pracach Rudolfa Hermana Günsberg a (1827-1879). Wiadomości Chemiczne, 65(3),
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Struktura a patogeneza chorób związanych z ekspansją powtórzeń CNG
CNG repeats (N stands for one of the four natural nucleotides) are a special class of microsatellite sequences of the human genome. They are most often found in exons, in their coding parts as well as in the 5’ or 3’ unt...
Inhibitory cholinoesteraz w terapii choroby Alzheimera
In recent years, a progressive increase in age-related disorders could be observed in most western countries, among which Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most challenging. The progress of AD is characterized by a...
W 150-lecie Zjazdu Niemieckich Przyrodników i Lekarzy w Speyer
In September 1861, the German town of Speyr hosted the 36th Congress of German Scientists and Physicians. During the event, a Russian chemist A.M.Butlerow gave a lecture entitled: “Einiges ueber chemische Struktur der Kö...
Spaleniowa synteza nanoproszków wolframu, tantalu i molibdenu
Refractory metal nanopowders have recently been of interest as starting materials for preparation of heavy alloys with exceptionally good mechanical properties resulting from their structure homogeneity at a nanoscopic l...
Metoda O-acyloizopeptydowa w syntezie peptydow
Proteins are macromolecules that carry out most of the biochemical functions of the cell, which strongly depend on the secondary and tertiary structure, defined by the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain. The impo...