The problem of determining the velocities in the plug regime of the flow of a gas–liquid mixture in a closed
cylindrical tube is considered. The discrete structure of the plug flow is periodic of elementary cell. For the...
A. M. Simonyan (1979). On creep of aluminum monocrystals.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 32(6),
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On rational design of a round fastened plate beyond material elasticity boundary.
The problems on cracks in the viscoelastic media.
Velocity distribution of a plug flow of a periodic structure in a cylindrical tube
The problem of determining the velocities in the plug regime of the flow of a gas–liquid mixture in a closed cylindrical tube is considered. The discrete structure of the plug flow is periodic of elementary cell. For the...
Construction of some conformal mapping functions double-connected regions and their application to the torsion problem.
On calculation of reliability and longevity of bearing packs of synchronous generators.