On dictionary publication from the field of the book studies’ biographies
Journal Title: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi - Year 2016, Vol 10, Issue
The article presents the dictionary publication from the field of the book studies’ biographies Słownik pracowników książki polskiej (Biographical Dictionary of the Workers of the Polish Book) prepared in the University of Łódź – first in University Library in Łódź (from 1958) then in the Chair of Library and Information Science UŁ (from 1992). In the years 1972-2016 there were published the core volume of the Biographical Dictionary (1972) and 4 supplements (1986, 2000, 2010, 2016). Their scientific editors were – as follows - I. Treichel, H. Tadeusiewicz, M. Rzadkowolska. The next, planned 5th supplement will be edited by A. Walczak-Niewiadomska. The Dictionary was published by the National Scientific Publishers PWN (volumes from 1972 and from 1986) and The Polish Librarian’s Association (volumes from 2000, 2010 and 2016). The author discussed also subject and chronological scope of the Dictionary as well as its additional sources (associating publications, archive, card file); provided readers with number of its entries (4842) and authors (1100), underlined meaning of the publication for the field of book studies’ biographies and for the book history in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Hanna Tadeusiewicz
Biblioteki klasztorów kijowskich w zbiorach Oddziału Kolekcji Bibliotecznych i Historycznych Narodowej Biblioteki Ukrainy im. W. I Wernadskiego
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