The propogation of the 3-D elastic waves in the elastic prism is investigated. The boundary conditions are
established for the dividing of the equations variables. The conditions of the existence of the localized
T. H. Yeghiazaryan (2005). On own vibrations of plate impaired by crack.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 58(1),
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The 3-D problem of the elastic wavequide with the rectungular cross section
The propogation of the 3-D elastic waves in the elastic prism is investigated. The boundary conditions are established for the dividing of the equations variables. The conditions of the existence of the localized vibrati...
The leaps of the parameters on the shock wave front in mixture.
On initial fracture of reinforced circular and ring-shaped plates.
Kinetics of fracture and change in acoustic parameters of granite under axial compression.
Pressure evaluation near a singular line for a shock wave.