In the present paper on the basis of asymptotically confirmed hypotheses method, depending on the values of
physical sizeless parameters, there are constructed general applied two-dimensional theories of micropolar shell...
K. A. Abgaryan (1972). On stability of motion at a given time interval.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 25(5),
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General Applied Theory of Micropolar thin Elastic Shells
In the present paper on the basis of asymptotically confirmed hypotheses method, depending on the values of physical sizeless parameters, there are constructed general applied two-dimensional theories of micropolar shell...
The progect of optimal cylindrical panel from composite material, working in conditions of parametrical resonance.
Construction of two-dimensional asymptotic theory of magnetoelasticity for thin conducting shell placing in a nonuniform and non-stationary magnetic field.
About propogation of electroelastic monochromatic wave in nonhomogeneous piezoelectic.
Bifurcation of the compression process of an elastic-plastic rod.