The patterns of propagation of electro-acoustic waves of plane strain in a piezoelectric half-space is examined.
In paper is shows how many possible variants of the boundary value problem of electro-elasticity can be for...
V. M. Belubekyan (1995). On the elastic surface waves in a thick plate.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 48(1),
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The electro elastic Rayleigh waves in the waveguide with an electrically closed or open surfaces
The patterns of propagation of electro-acoustic waves of plane strain in a piezoelectric half-space is examined. In paper is shows how many possible variants of the boundary value problem of electro-elasticity can be for...
On the method of elastic solution in the theory of plates.
On the theory of ideal plasticity of solids whose material is heteroresistant to extension and compression.
Investigation of temperature influence on anisotropy of the composite strenght and deformation under static and low -cycle stretching.
Maxwell equations for non-homogeneous media with periodic structure.