On the Necessity of Development of the Criteria of Professional Suitability of the Workers with Arterial Hypertension
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 9
Introduction. The problem of cardiovascular diseases is one of the most important in medical science and practical public health. The most urgent problem of hypertension is in groups of working population suffering from the harmful factors of production environment and labor process such as noise, vibration, harmful industrial climate and so on. Aim. To develop the criteria of professional competence of employees with hypertension working under the harmful and dangerous factors of production environment and labor process. Materials and methods. The analysis of general and occupational diseases were carried out on the results of periodic medical examinations of individuals working under the influence of the hazardous and dangerous conditions on the basis of the general medical reports. The analysis was provided by 35 medical commissions in Kyiv that carried out preventive medical examinations for people working in hazardous and hazardous working conditions during 2009-2013. It was studied the main forms of general diseases taking into account ICD-10 and occupational diseases. Results. The dynamics of the occupational diseases in the enterprises of Kyiv shows that in recent years there was a decrease of occupational diseases which is consistent with the general trend in Ukraine. General diseases were diagnosed in 30.5 % of employees. The analysis of the total morbidity of workers in Kyiv in recent years shows that the cardiovascular diseases (39.6 %) were the most widespread. The prevalence of hypertension was 42.3 %, vegetative-vascular dystonia – 31.4 % and coronary heart disease – 20.8 %. Therefore, in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, the modern clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods should be used, according to the unified clinical protocol of primary, emergency and secondary (specialized) medical care, clinical recommendations for arterial hypertension. The chairpersons of medical commissions conducting the periodic medical examinations and determining the proficiency of a worker with hypertension to a profession under the conditions of harmful and dangerous manufacturing factors, must use the criteria of professional suitability in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine N 246 dated May 21, 2007 “On Approval of the Procedure for Carrying Out the Medical Examinations of Employees of the Certain Categories” and to form groups of dispensary observation. Conclusions. It is necessary to adhere to the sanitary-and-gygienic requirements regulating the permissible level of production norms in the workplace; rational use of remedies of individual and collective protection; to introduce the principles of time protection, the system of the training of the administration, the services of the labor protection on the enterprises on the basis of healthy lifestyle, socio-psychological adaptation, the preservation of health in the workplace, etc. The requirements for further improvement of normative acts on the examination of the proficiency and performance of the certain categories of workers with existing the general and occupational diseases are needed.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Grechkivska
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