On varieties of the title in the English translations of Griboyedov’s comedy


The history of British and American translators’ special interest in Griboyedov’s comedy is already more than one and a half centuries old. For this period ten full translations of different authors were published and these works are marked with the great variety in rendering of the comedy’s title. The searchings of semantic and stylistic adequacy in English variants of Griboyedov’s title are being analysed in the article. Though occasionally literalism can be useful by the rendering of the title, it is impossible to expect overliteral variants from the newest translators, especially in the reproducing the title. The phraseological combination, which became a real phraseological unit in the author’s language can easily turn into absurdity in the language of translation, where quite the different phraseological and literary traditions become apparent. However, the translators’ freedom of ignoring the literal approach to the original text must be reasonably limited. Within these limits the associative semantic relationship between the chosen title and the content of the literary work must be in essence preserved. Sharp stylistic and especially semantic discrepancy between the title and the body of the text is scarcely permissible. There need be no doubts that in the English-speaking world the keen and talented translators will try to create new English versions of Griboyedov’s comedy, which is surely doomed to the long life in literature and theatre, as it is proved by the history of culture for the last almost two centuries. In spite of all their respect for the predecessors’ works, translators of the next generations will evaluate some moments in the previous versions critically, the more so as English language is not an unalterable system. It is obvious that the searchings for an adequate (semantically and stylistically) analogue for the title of the play will remain one of the most difficult tasks.

Authors and Affiliations

M. G. Sokolyansky


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  • EP ID EP434229
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-14-65-69
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How To Cite

M. G. Sokolyansky (2017). On varieties of the title in the English translations of Griboyedov’s comedy. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(14), 65-69. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434229