Oncocytic Meningioma Exhibiting Chordoid Differentiation in its Recurrence and Histologic Grading. Case Report (Review of Literatüre)
Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2005, Vol 22, Issue 4
Oncocytic meningioma is a recently described rare variant of meningothelial neoplasms that probably shows more aggressive behavior and high recurrence. Up till now, only fifteen cases were described. We reported a case of recurrent oncocytic meningioma that was operated four years ago. He had a left frontal tumor measuring 4 cm in diameter. The tumor was composed of large polygonal neoplastic cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm forming predominantly sheets, nests, and cords. Neoplastic cells showed nuclear pleomorphism with prominent nucleoli. Immunohistochemistry revealed a strong and diffuse positivity for vimentin, a focal reactivity for EMA and S100 protein. MIB-1 proliferating indices were positive 8% and 10% in primary and recurrent tumors respectively. The immunophenotypic profile and the grading of the neoplasm are discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Ahmet MIDI, Aydin SAV, Muhittin BELIRGEN, Deniz KONYA, Necmettin PAMIR
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