Online Food Order System


Nowadays people don’t have much time to spend in restaurant by just there and waiting for the waiter to take their order. Many customer visits the restaurant in their lunch break and recess so they have limited time to eat and return to their respective office and colleges. So this software helps them to save time and order food whenever they want without calling the waiter again and again. As well as if the customer is a regular customer of the Restaurant then the customer gets 2% discount on every product they order. The only role in this process is of hotel manager. As customers are not much involved in it. The manger has to manage everything. As any restaurant manager who has ever been out of work knows, finding a job is no easy task. In general management of a restaurant, the restaurant manager plays a vital role. The restaurant managers undertake the responsibilities of the whole restaurant business. They manage with all departments for the smooth running of business. They handle a huge number of information at the same time during their work hours.

Authors and Affiliations

Mr. Rakesh P. Kumawat, Miss. Pooja R. Patil, Miss. Urmila S. Salve, Miss. Hemlata S. Mali


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Mr. Rakesh P. Kumawat, Miss. Pooja R. Patil, Miss. Urmila S. Salve, Miss. Hemlata S. Mali (2016). Online Food Order System. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(1), -.