Online Monitoring Controlling and co-ordination of Potential


There are few issues with the manual process of delivering documentation with respect to potential monitoring of individuals. The process being time consuming also involves errors in documentation, non standard nomenclature, rewriting and overwriting, multiple verifications etc. To address these needs, an automated system has been developed which is named ‘Online Monitoring, Controlling and Co-ordination of Potential’.‘Online Monitoring, Controlling and Co-ordination of Potential’ is a web application that enables tracking and monitoring the progress of employees. The different users of this system are administrator, initiating authority, reviewing authority and employee. ‘Online Monitoring, Controlling and Coordination of Potential’ facilitates communication and coordination between these users.The actual process in PAR begins with employee, initially he enters all his details and submits. Then the initiating authority (IA) views the details entered, he will rate the performance and also gives feedback about the performance of the employee and submits. Once it is submitted by the IA the reviewing authority(RA) will rate the performance and also gives feedback and submits. With all these features in place, ‘Online Monitoring, Controlling and Co-ordination of Potential’ promotes smooth and effective coordination and management of work pertaining to performance or potential appraisal.

Authors and Affiliations

Divyarani T


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How To Cite

Divyarani T (2014). Online Monitoring Controlling and co-ordination of Potential. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(4), 580-583.