Ontology of spirituality in the works of Homer


While analyzing the category of «spirituality» ontology, Homer’s epos, «The Iliad» in particular, is interesting as it reflects the conception of some micro sociums’ spirituality in the transitional period. Namely, the end of the archaic period, disintegration of community-generic structure and the generation of private ownership in it. Scrutinizing «The Iliad» one can make a bold claim that Homer mirrors spirituality conception of ancient Greek and Trojan nobility. The ancient poet powerfully describes Greek and Trojan rulers’ state of mind, opportunity and inability of their souls to work diligently to overcome negative – vicious state of mind. Homer uses metaphorical interpretation in his description – meaning transfer. A person’s spirits – are different states of mind of Olympic gods – celestial beings, who manage people’s actions. A man does not take independent decisions, he is led by the gods all his life, they punish people for their crimes, stop outbreaks of temper, but sometimes act visa versa. More often than that celestial beings commit misdeeds. It is worthwhile mentioning that gods help the Achaeans as well as the Trojans. Speaking about the ontology of spirituality in Homer’s works, it is necessary to mention that the ancient poet describes the necessary triplicity in spirituality of being. Firstly, gnosiological ideas are the examples of cognition and an ancient man’s explanation of the World, in which he lives. Secondly, he worked out the anthropological attitude, thoughts about a man, his soul and what is inherent in it. Thirdly, ethical ideas as the examples which the society and all the individuals are to follow to achieve spirituality. Homer has demonstrated the conflict between good and evil in a human soul, and also the state of suffering which is caused by the evil. Failing to resist vices – the negative emotional states of the soul, the person and his relatives are sure to be the subject of punishment. But to regain self-possession is a great spiritual work leading to spirituality. The man himself is in no state to overcome all his vices, he needs help. In Homer’s point of view, only a human, not a natural phenomenon – a celestial being, can call another man’s soul to work, to conquer one’s weaker self, to spirituality in our interpretation. In our opinion, Homer’s outlook – is the appeal to serenity – to the everlasting work of the soul, the appeal to follow morality – to get rid of vices. Homer is the first in the ancient literature who linked the most important notions in the life of any community. Firstly, the morality worked out by the society – ideas, which unite the society, also behavioral aspects, sticking to which leads to harmony. Secondly, spirituality – eagerness of the individual’s soul to work hard to get rid of the vices. Thirdly, the law – the rule framed in the community, breaking which leads to calamity, in the given case – to the war.

Authors and Affiliations

Vyacheslav Kuzmenko


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  • EP ID EP328215
  • DOI 10.31733/2078-3566-2017-3-16-33
  • Views 108
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How To Cite

Vyacheslav Kuzmenko (2017). Ontology of spirituality in the works of Homer. Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav, 3(3), 16-33. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-328215