Open innovation in Polish enterprises—evaluation


The processes of globalisation, progressive convergence of industries and the development of new technologies have a decisive impact on the functioning and development of enterprises. Gaining competitive advantage and sustainable development of economic entities is conditioned by creating product innovations, the process, development and implementation of new models of doing business. Visible progress in the development of science and technology and the need for easier access to new solutions have contributed to the development of a new paradigm of innovation policy, referred to as open innovation. This concept enables the exchange of knowledge and innovation between businesses, universities and public institutions. This article aims to show the external factors affecting the development of cooperation between innovative companies in Poland. The starting point for the analysis of the economic impact of selected variables on the development of open innovation enterprises in Poland is to present the theoretical conceptualisation of the term, considerations devoted to innovation and to identify the factors determining the implementation of new concepts and ideas into companies.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Misztal


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How To Cite

Anna Misztal (2017). Open innovation in Polish enterprises—evaluation. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 33(1), 27-37.