Opinia na temat wniosku dotyczącego dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie niektórych aspektów umów o dostarczanie treści cyfrowych [COM(2015) 634 final]
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 49, Issue 1
The aim of the proposal is to provide a uniform way to fill the current legal gap in those EU Member States which have not yet adopted legislation specifically on supply of digital content, and the harmonization of the legal systems of those countries that have already adopted such a legislation. Its entry into force will prevent particularization of national rules on liability for failure to perform the obligations arising from contracts for the supply of digital content and for the improper performance of obligation, including the lack of conformity of the digital content with the contract. As a result, it will prevent fragmentation of the digital content market. Entry into force of the proposed directive should improve legal protection of consumers in the event of non-compliance with the contract of digital content received from their suppliers. The proposed directive will have a significant impact on the legal situation of suppliers of digital content. Worth consideration is the removal of defects identified in the opinion that raise doubt as to its legislative correctness.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogusław Lackorońsk, Konrad Kuszel
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