Opinia prawna na temat wniosku z 11 lipca 2016 r. o wyrażenie zgody na pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności pana H.K., przedłożonego przez oskarżyciela subsydiarnego posiłkowego E.K., reprezentowaną przez pełnomocnika – adwokata Z.K.
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 52, Issue 4
The application concerns a person who held the mandate of a Deputy during the seventh term of the Sejm, but is not currently a deputy. According to the art. 105 paragraph 1 sentence 2 of the Constitution, a Deputy may be brought to a court accountability for action violating the rights of third parties, which have been taken within the scope of the mandate, only upon the consent of the Sejm. This rule applies to a possible court accountability of former Deputies concerning acts committed in the course of exercise of their parliamentary mandate. The subject of the resolution adopted by the Sejm must include a whole set of behaviors constituting a persecuted act, regardless of whether all behaviors are within the scope of the mandate. Content of the application meets the required precision only with regards behaviors belonging to the third group of activities. The behaviors of the first and second group have been indicated in the application in a very general way, what means that the application does not meet the requirement under art. 7b paragraph 4 Section 4 of the Act on performance of the mandate of Deputy and Senator.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Odrowąż-Sypniewski
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