Opinia prawna na temat zgodności z Konstytucją rozwiązań zawartych w Kodeksie wyborczym, które dotyczą realizacji konstytucyjnego biernego prawa wyborczego
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 2
The right to stand for elections is a crucial political right. Nevertheless it is subject to limita‑ tions. These limitations are especially sensible in case of independent candidates who face additional difficulties on the way to win the mandate of a Deputy. In contrary to foreign electoral laws, the Polish Electoral Code in grants an exclusive right to propose candidates to electoral committees. The author of the opinion focuses on the position of independent candidates to present an analysis of particular requirements (such as: a necessity to be proposed by a committee, a required number of candidates on an electoral list, a minimal number of signatures which allow the list to be registered) which hinder the performance of the right to stand for election. Moreover, it is empha‑ sised that the need to cross the nationwide electoral threshold substantially limits the chances of local candidates unrelated to any political party to succeed.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Skotnicki
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