Opinions about Component Energetic Security
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 4
Collective security (international) represent the morphological expression of individual security components. According to the Report presented at the United Nations Development Programme, collective security (international) as well as national security, is the expression of seven synergistic dimensions as follows: economic security, food security, environmental security, personal security, community security, political security and individual security. As part of economic security, energy and economic-financial part of it, is cause and effect for all other components of collective security, in particular, national security of each state. Economic security, at the beginning of new millennium, is a more complex and dynamic concept, derived from the multitude of processes and phenomena of political, economic, financial, social, ecological, etc.. existing in the world, in the context of globalization. Economic security can be seen only in close connection with national security, economic policies promoted nationally, regionally and globally, with the participation of state actors in international economic circuits. In a world of increasing interdependencies, under increasingly global, just energy and economic and financial interdependence can become risks, threats and vulnerabilities to energy security, national security and collective default on.
Authors and Affiliations
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