Opinions of Chemistry Teacher Candidates about the Values and Values Education in the Reading Piece Named Aziz Sancar’s Success
Journal Title: Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 17, Issue 37
In this study, aimes to determine the opinions of chemistry teacher candidates about the values and values education through the reading passage that titled as “Aziz Sancar’s Success” in the 9th grade chemistry textbook. The phenomenology research method was preferred, because the participants of this research were looking at the reading passage (Aziz Sancar’s Success) in terms of values and values education, and what kind of perception they formed and the way these perceptions are structured will be analysed. The participants of the research consist of eight chemistry teacher candidates who are enrolled in ‘secondary chemistry education’ in a state university in Turkey. The data of the research was collected by document review from, the form contains open-end- ed three questions related to; the 9th grade chemistry textbook, the secondary school chemistry curriculum and qualitative observation. In the analysis of the data, content analysis was used. Some noteworthy factors according to teacher candidates necessitate placing the data collected in the research at the centre of values education were; the 15 July coup attempt, the difficulty to transfer values through few courses, having enduring values education that starts at home and continues in schools, along with the skill taught in the subject matter, values acquisition should be included and enhanced. Also, the values the candidates referred to in the reading passage were similar to those in the chemistry curriculum. Prominent figures such as Aziz Sancar should be given more place in text- books. Benefiting from other tools such as (Proverbs etc.) in values education is important. In-service trainings should be organized to raise awareness among teachers candidates and finally values education should be taught in undergrad- uate programs as non-credit mandatory course.
Authors and Affiliations
Hatice KARAER, Fergan KARAER
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