Opracowania graficzne katalogów współczesnych wystaw sztuki kobiet w Polsce

Journal Title: Sztuka i Dokumentacja - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 15


Design of the catalogues of contemporary women’s art exhibitions in Poland The article tackles the issue of the visual materials accompanying exhibitions of contemporary women’s art in Poland. On the basis of three exhibition catalogues: Biały Mazur (White Mazurka) from 2003, Kolekcja Wstydliwych Gestów (Collection of Shy Gestures) from 2004 and Three Women from 2011, I attempt to examine how the exhibition content, formulated by women curators in curatorial texts, is reflected in the catalogues that accompany those exhibitions. Even though the graphic motives that are present in analyzed publications are not usually a direct, illustrative translation of curatorial texts and exhibition concepts, they do show some relevant entangled meanings. The text concentrates on revealing them through the analysis of the image-text relationships constructed in the catalogues.

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How To Cite

Luiza KEMPIŃSKA (2016). Opracowania graficzne katalogów współczesnych wystaw sztuki kobiet w Polsce. Sztuka i Dokumentacja, 15(15), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-269130