Optimization of tactical decisions as a condition of efficiency of investigational activity
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 32
The optimizations of tactical decisions at investigation and its role in the achievement of efficiency of investigational activity have been considered in the article. The basic stages of optimization of investigational activity have been named in a respect of the historical aspect, component part of which is optimization of tactical decisions. The essence of terms «efficiency» and «optimality» in applying to investigational activity has been analysed. The concept of efficiency a criminal trial has been considered that expounded in works of scientists-criminalists. Attention is accented on that efficiency and optimality are the component elements of maintenance of criminal judicial activity. Differentiating outwardly, these concepts are interrelated. A sequence over of making elements of maintenance of efficiency of criminal trial, that includes, is brought: а) efficiency of acceptance of tactical decision; b) efficiency of realization of investigational (search) action; c) efficiency of pre-trial investigation; d) efficiency of judicial consideration. The condition of efficiency of rule-making is an acceptance of optimal tactical decisions (optimization of tactical decisions). On research results it is drawn conclusion that an optimal decision can be: a) effective; b) effective partly; c) ineffective. These positions are argued by that opening of correlation «optimal decision» – «effective decision» is possible through gaining end of decision. The substantive provisions of cogitative and practical activity are considered, on that the acceptance of optimal tactical decisions is based.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Yu. Bululukov
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