Optimizationof Badarawa/MalaliWaterDistributionNetworkUsingGeneticsAlgorithm
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 5
Abstract: InthisstudyEPANET,awidelyusedwaterdistributionpackagewaslinkedtoOptiGa,aVisualBasic ActiveXcontrolfor implementationofgeneticalgorithm, through Visual Basic programmingtechnique,tomodify thecomputersoftwarecalledOptiNetwork.OptiNetworkwas appliedto Badarawa/Malalidistributionnetworkconsisting of 96pipes of differentmaterials, 75junctions, twotanks,andasourcereservoir(i.etreatment plant)from whichwaterispumpedthroughapumpingmain totheoverheadreservoir andlaterdistributedtothenetwork by gravity. Afterseveralrunsthecostobtainedfrom thisnetworkusingOptiNetworksoftwareundertheapplicationof geneticsalgorithmis$433,520.00whichislowerthan$435,118.00obtainedfrom OptiDesignersoftware.This differenceisapproximately3%lowerthantheresultobtainedfromOptiDesigner (acommercialsoftware) with minimumpressureheadof3mandmaximumof100,Pressurepenalty of200,000andprobability ofmutation equal to0.03, alsothecommercialdiametersof 4”,6”,8”,10”,12”,14”,16”18”20’’,22’’and24’’dmin=4”,dmax=24”were used for the distribution network during the optimization process.The results obtainedshowsthattheintroductionofthe modifiedsoftware (OptiNetwork)isjustified.Thisisbecauseithasbeenabletoimprovethe searchmethodintermsofachievingthe“least-cost”designedwaterdistributionsystemthatwillsupplysufficientwater quantitiesatadequate pressure to the consumers. Keywords:Waterdistributionsystems, cost, optimization, genetic Algorithm.
Authors and Affiliations
ASami nu, IAbuba kar
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