Optymalizacja leczenia chorych z perlakiem ucha środkowego
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 3
SUMMARY Background: The chronic otitis media is a frequent condition in ENT practice. The presence of cholesteatoma can lead to the destruction of bony structures in the middle ear spaces to a different extent. Aim: We discuss the way of the patients' treatment with the chronic choles-teatoma otitis media that were operated on for the first time. Materia! and methods: We analyze the patients with the chronic chole-steatoma otitis media who were diagnosed, operated on and followed up in our Department between 2006 and 2009. 410 operations on ears were performed in that period of time. We discuss the extent of cholesteatoma, the hearing impairment, the type of otosurgery and the distant results of performed therapy Results: We discuss 44 patients operated on chronic cholesteatomatoma otitis media for the first time. It constitutes ca. 10% of all middle ear operations performed in analyzed period of time and 40% of all individuals operated on cholesteatoma. Conclusions: There is a group of patients with the chronic cholesteatoma otitis media that have no hearing improvement after the reoperation. The main aim of the therapy in this group is to remove the pathology and therefore obtain the 'dry ear' and prevent against otogenous complications.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Morawska, Krzysztof Oleś, Jacek Składzień, Jerzy Tomik, Robert Przeklasa
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