Органи прокуратури України в системі суб’єктів протидії корупції
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2017, Vol 67, Issue 4
Розглянуто місце органів прокуратури України в системі інших суб’єктів протидії корупції; визначено систему суб’єктів протидії корупції; проведено дослідження особливостей функціонального й організаційного становища органів прокуратури в системі інших суб’єктів протидії корупції. Рассмотрено место органов прокуратуры Украины в системе других субъектов противодействия коррупции; определена система субъектов противодействия коррупции; проведено исследование особенностей функционального и организационного положения органов прокуратуры в системе других субъектов противодействия коррупции. The place of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine in the system of other subjects of combating corruption has been considered; the system of subjects of counteracting corruption has been defined; the study of the peculiarities of the functional and organizational standing of the prosecutor’s offices in the system of other subjects of combating corruption has been conducted. It has been emphasized that, although the activity of the prosecutor’s office in the field of combating corruption is not the main one, however, Ukrainian legislation refers this agency to specially authorized subjects in this sphere. This position of the legislator is due to the fact that the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor’s office is formed in the structure of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the main function of which is the implementation of the state policy in the field of combating corruption. It has been determined that the peculiarities of the prosecutor’s office as the subjects counteracting corruption in the organizational aspect are the fact that their structure contains departments or has prosecutors specialized in conducting anti-corruption measures both within the structure of the prosecutor’s office or in other agencies. It has been proved that the prosecutor’s offices in the functional aspect in relation to other specially authorized subjects occupies positions of the coordinator and performs the supervisory function over the activities of other subjects in this area. It has been established that the feature of the prosecutor’s offices as specially authorized counteractors is that they are formed not only for the fulfillment of tasks and functions related to combating corruption, but also for performing functions in other areas of public administration. The National Police occupies the same position in the system of specially authorized subjects counteracting corruption, however, the prosecutor’s office in contrast to it, is empowered to accomplish coordination and supervision over other specially authorized subjects.
Authors and Affiliations
I. O. Klochko
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