Організація поліцейської діяльності в Україні та США: структура

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2016, Vol 60, Issue 1


Розглянуто мету, засоби, систему та проблеми адміністративно-правового регулювання поліцейської діяльності в Україні, питання вдосконалення чинного законодавства України. Проаналізовано поліцейські заходи. Розглянуто концепцію діяльності поліції США. Рассмотрены цель, средства, система и проблемы административно-правового регулирования полицейской деятельности в Украине, вопросы усовершенствование действующего законодательства Украины. Проанализированы полицейские меры. Рассмотрена концепция деятельности полиции США. The article is devoted to some questions of researching the organization of policing, its purpose, the means, and the system, to some questions of an administrative and legal regulation of police activities in Ukraine in order to improve the legislation of Ukraine. During the reform of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine, active decentralization and improvement of current legislation it is very important to focus on the model of the police, which functions successfully according to the relevant standards, principles and rules formed by the world community. Of course, organization of activities to ensure the rule of law, public security, and fight against crime in all its forms in each country has its own specifics and peculiarities. Nowadays Ukrainians are particularly interested in the study of the structure, functions and system of police activities in such a developed democratic country as the United States of America, where police activities, having a long and difficult path of development, prove to be effective and uses appropriate level of support and confidence of the people. The purpose of the study is the research and analysis of the theoretical basis, legislative acts, historical aspects of policing organization in order to outline main problems of the activities of the police in Ukraine and other foreign countries, especially the USA, and to improve Ukrainian legislative framework. The following scientists analyze separate aspects of the question in their researches: H. Abadynskiy, Y. Avrutin, K. Belskiy, J. Vedel, I. Golosnichenko, S. Goncharuk, I. Gorshenyova, A. Gubanova, R. Drago, O. Pronevych, V. Shadrin and others. With the adoption of The Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» a legal analysis of the essence and significance of policing has acquired a special meaning for further improvement of the Ukrainian legislative framework and the activities of the Ukrainian police. A special attention should be paid to the policing organization, structure and conception. Taking into consideration the best models of policing organization in the world will be useful in the improvement of the Ukrainian law enforcement system in the context of decentralization of the power. While improving the administrative framework which regulates the activities of the police in Ukraine one will certainly need to take into account the experience of the foreign countries, especially the United States, where the activities of the police are meticulously regulated and fixed in the current legislation. Further study of this issue will help to bring domestic legislation in the sphere of policing in line with the international standards.

Authors and Affiliations

K. V. Solntseva


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How To Cite

K. V. Solntseva (2016). Організація поліцейської діяльності в Україні та США: структура. Право і безпека, 60(1), 69-73.