Організаційні засади діяльності органів прокуратури щодо протидії корупції

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


Досліджено поняття та система організаційних основ діяльності органів прокуратури щодо протидії корупції; визначено поняття організації діяльності органів прокуратури; виділені і охарактеризовані основні елементи організаційних основ діяльності органів прокуратури щодо протидії корупції. Исследовано понятие и система организационных основ деятельности органов прокуратуры по противодействию коррупции; определено понятие организации деятельности органов прокуратуры; выделены и охарактеризованы ос-новные элементы организационных основ деятельности органов прокуратуры по противодействию коррупции. It is noted that in order to ensure the efficiency of the organs of the public prosecutor’s office in combating corruption, proper organization of the relevant activity is necessary, which includes the definition of the subjects responsible for the work on combating corruption, the division of responsibilities between them, coordination and control over their implementation, etc. It has been established that organizational support is essential for the achievement of a high level of performance of the prosecutor's office in the fight against corruption. In the article, there are defined the organizational principles of the Office of the Prosecutor’s Office for combating corruption as the system provided for in the norms of the administrative law and other acts of legal regulation of administrative actions in order to streamline, coordinate and control the work of the prosecutor’s office in the field of combating corruption. It is proved that the system of organizational principles in the field of study is made up of 1) organizational acts ensuring the activity of the prosecutor’s offices in the fight against corruption; 2) actors of the anti-corruption activity; 3) distribution of powers between different structural units of the prosecutor’s office for combating corruption; 4) coordinating the activities of the prosecutor’s office in combating corruption; 5) control over the activity of the prosecutor’s offices in the fight against corruption. It is noted that the organization of the activity of the prosecutor’s office in combating corruption is established at an adequate level, since special departments are formed responsible for carrying out tasks in the field of combating corruption, the principles of distribution of powers are defined, the principles of coordination and control over the activity of the prosecutor’s offices in the specified sphere are defined. At the same time, the administrative and legal regulation of some aspects of organizational support require the improvements, in particular, the activities of departments to counter corruption in the prosecutor’s offices of the oblast, city, district and district levels in the cities. In addition, the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the Office of Public Prosecutor’s Office for combating corruption are needed for the elaboration. That should be the focus of author further research in this field.

Authors and Affiliations

І. О. Клочко


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  • EP ID EP293277
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1202286
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How To Cite

І. О. Клочко (2017). Організаційні засади діяльності органів прокуратури щодо протидії корупції. Форум права, 48(5), 169-174.