Organizational and economic principles of functioning of the beekeeping market
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue
The purpose of the article is to synthesize existing views of scientists on the theory and practice of the beekeeping market, and substantiate theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for improving the organizational and economic principles of functioning of the beekeeping market in terms of globalization challenges and integration processes. Research methods. The methodological basis of the research is the foundations of economic theory, institutional theory and system analysis. Empirical studies of the functioning of the beekeeping market have been conducted using comparative analysis, expert survey, and rating method. Research results. The dynamics of world production of honey has been estimated and it has been established that Ukraine is one of the top five largest producers of honey in the world. It has been revealed the rapid growth of Ukrainian export of honey in the amount of 67.8 thousand tons in 2017. There is a need to re-orient honey’s export as a finished product using individual brand packaging. An increase in the number of exporters of honey has been established. On basis of comparative analysis, development of the beekeeping market in various regions of Ukraine has been estimated. The absence of regularities in creation of exporting companies in regions with the highest volume of honey production has been revealed. It has been established that during six years honey’s import to Ukraine has increased by 59 times and amounted 118 tons in 2015. Based on an expert survey using the rating method, factors that have a positive and negative impact on development of the beekeeping market and a matrix of strategic choice have gained further development. Elements of scientific novelty. The author's interpretation of the beekeeping market has been described as a system of institutions and economic relations that provide processes for production, exchange, and consumption of food, use of raw materials, as well as the provision of services by the beekeeping industry. According to results of the assessment of institutional environment of the beekeeping market, the author's technique has helped to determine an amount of transaction costs in the honey market. It has been proved that a significant amount of transaction costs affects profitability of the beekeeping industry. Practical significance. In order to improve the organizational and economic principles of functioning of the beekeeping market, must be taken into account factors of the external environment. The determinants of development are: qualifications of personnel; quality of domestic products and trust from people; profitability of production; diversification and geographical location of Ukraine. Furthermore, the restraining factors include: solvency of the population; insufficient research in the industry; lack of reliable statistical information; high level of inflation and an inadequate degree of integration entities in beekeeping. Development of cooperation as an important organizational and economic measure of realization of prospects has been substantiated. It has been justified the necessity of development of the beekeeping market and improvement of product quality, ensuring the confidence of external consumers in the responsible execution of their commitments, and maintaining the image of domestic producers. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 14.
Authors and Affiliations
Liubov Mykhailova, Viktoriia Hrytsenko
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