Organizational Performance: Analysis of Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Learning (Studies on the Government of DKI Jakarta)
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 3
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Learning. This study was a quantitative survey method. The population of this research is the elements of leadership SKPD (SKPD) in Jakarta Provincial Government, consisting of offices and agencies that provide services directly to the public. SKPD in Jakarta Provincial Government a number of 29. The target population in this study is the Head of Department and Head of the Agency with all the head of the entire SKPD in Jakarta Provincial Government. The sample was Head of Department and Head of the Agency and all as many as 163 people. Sampling method is done by census. This study uses linear regression analysis techniques Bergnada. SPSS analysis tools 20.00. The results of this study is that the Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Learning positive and significant impact on Organizational Performance. There are other factors that affect the performance of the organization in addition to the two variables Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Learning. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning, Organizational Performance
Authors and Affiliations
DjokoSetyo Widodo, P. Eddy Sanusi Silitonga, Hapzi Ali
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