Органолептична оцінка яблук сорту Голден Делішес, оброблених інгібітором етилену, залежно від місця заготівлі та строку збору


Appearance and taste are the main characteristics that determine the demand for horticultural products. A consumer usually prefers juicy fruits, appreciates freshness, firmness and aroma of apples. Postharvest treatment with ethylene inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) slows apples maturation, promotes the preservation of flesh firmness, prevents core browning and rotting, however, it significantly inhibits the formation of the aroma which is characteristic of the pomological variety. Post-harvest treatment of 1-MCP reduces storage costs and ensures long-term delivery of quality products. The research was conducted during the storage seasons 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 at the Department of Fruit Science and Viticulture at Uman National University of Horticulture. The article presents the results for the fruits of the 2011 harvest. Apples cv. Golden Delicious were harvested from irrigated fruit orchards of the farms «Obriy» of Nemyriv district, Vinnytsia region (Center) from the intensive (dwarf rootstock M.9) and traditional (medium-vigour – MM.106) fruit trees and «Yanis» of Khotyn district, Chernivtsi region (West) from the intense (M.9) orchard. The apples were harvested in two terms: the first, with the onset of harvest maturity (the beginning of harvest maturity, mass gathering), and the second – a week later (complete harvesting maturation, belated collection). The density of the pulp, the content of dry soluble substances, the iodine/starch test and the Streif index were taken into account. Apples were cooled to temperature of 5±1 °С at relative air humidity of 85-90%, and the next day half of the products were treated with 1-MCP. After 24-hour exposure under the above conditions, the treated and control fruits were stored in the refrigerating chamber KHR-12M at temperature of 2±1 °С and relative humidity of 85–90 % (untreated fruits – control). Organoleptic evaluation of apples was conducted by a standing commission of 10 people. The products were evaluated after six months of cold storage and seven-day shelf-life at 20 °C and relative humidity of 55...60 % (imitation of trade turnover). Indices of aroma, hardness, crispness, juiciness, mealiness, sweetness, sour taste were determined by a 10-point scale and an overall assessment was provided. It has been established that within the limits of harvest maturity, the collection time does not affect the organoleptic evaluation of apples cv. Golden Delicious from the intensive orchard on the dwarf rootstock M.9 in the Central region. In fruits that were harvested at the beginning of harvest maturity from the traditional orchard on the medium-vigour rootstock MM.106, crispness and sweetness were higher by 1.6 points and overall score – higher by 0.7 points and mealiness was lower by 1.4 points (a ten-point scale). The fruits of the intensive planting of the Western region, collected in complete harvesting maturity, had such indices: hardness was higher by 0.9 points, crispness - by 1.1 and sweetness – higher by 0.8 points (compared with mass collection). A higher estimate of hardness, crispiness, juicy and sweetness was typical for the fruits collected at the beginning of harvesting maturation. The total tasting evaluation of the fruit from intensive orchard on the dwarf rootstock M.9 was 0.8 points higher, compared with the products from the traditional planting on the medium-vigour rootstock MM.106. Organoleptic evaluation of apples does not depend on the place of harvesting. Fruits with post-harvest treatment of 1-MCP have such indices: hardness is higher by 1.3 points, crispness – by 1.6, juiciness – by 1.2, sweetness – by 1.1, acidity – higher by 0.9 and overall rating is higher by 0.9 points (compared with unprocessed fruits).

Authors and Affiliations

О. О. ДРОЗД, О. В. Мельник, І. О. Мельник


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How To Cite

О. О. ДРОЗД, О. В. Мельник, І. О. Мельник (2018). Органолептична оцінка яблук сорту Голден Делішес, оброблених інгібітором етилену, залежно від місця заготівлі та строку збору. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(93), 96-107.