Organy Pawła Ernesta Rickerta z 1755 roku w kościele Ojców Pijarów p.w. Matki Bożej Łaskawej i św. Wojciecha w Łowiczu w kontekście problematyki konserwacji i renowacji zabytkowych organów piszczałkowych, cz. I
Journal Title: Notes Muzyczny - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 6
The article touches on the sophisticated and very vast topic of historical pipe organ renovation. Its aim is presenting the great and in many ways unique, forgotten until now and unlisted instrument built by Paweł Ernest Rickert in 1755, installed at the Piarist Church of the Gracious Mother of God and of St. Adalbert of Prague in Łowicz. About 90% of its original 18th century substance has been preserved, which proves a high historical value of the instrument. It is currently in partial working order but its technical condition only allows for its limited use. The first part of the article includes the topics connected with the historical context and discusses selected aspects of Rickert’s organ listing made on the basis of the private examination of the instrument by the author of the article. In the second part of the text, which is planned for publication in the next issue of the magazine, a further listing description will be provided together with a renovation schedule of the instrument so that it can regain its former glory. Rickert’s organ in Łowicz is an instrument built in a style characteristic of Bohemia and Moravia. It is unknown why an instrument of such a type was built in central Poland. It has 12 stops distributed between the manual (8) and pedal (3). All characteristic features of its construction (disposition, keyboard range and free-standing console) resemble the 18th century Czech instruments. The only “Polish” feature is the use of the so-called “Cymbel” stop (a few short and thin pipes with an unspecified pitch placed on a common stem) in the disposition and it makes the organ invaluable because there are only a few instruments with this register preserved. All was placed in a richly ornamented Rococo-style casing, covered in original polychrome and crowned with a typical sculpture of music-playing angels. The organ’s provisional listing made by the author revealed that the instrument, despite the time passed, has been preserved in a relatively good condition and it only requires thorough maintenance work, both in terms of casing restoration and renovation of the inside of the instrument.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Jastrzębski
XIX Międzynarodowy Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej im. Kiejstuta Bacewicza. Reminiscencje konkursowe
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