Orientations and Determinants of Employee in Today's Labour Market
Journal Title: Konteksty Społeczne - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 2
The purpose of this paper is to attempt to analyze the changes in the workplace and the resulting consequences for the contemporary worker. These changes, which are the result of automation and robotics, the dynamic development of the technology in all aspects of human life, or the globalization process in general, are important elements that affect changes in the workplace and employment. The work and related numerous socio-economic processes are the source of both the great development and disorganization of the private and professional life of contemporary workers.
Authors and Affiliations
Izabela Łucjan
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Orientations and Determinants of Employee in Today's Labour Market
The purpose of this paper is to attempt to analyze the changes in the workplace and the resulting consequences for the contemporary worker. These changes, which are the result of automation and robotics, the dynamic deve...