Prognostic intervention studies can be either preventive intervention studies or therapeutic intervention studies. The formulation of prognosis about the progress of the health of an individual is one of the most importa...
Ghrelin, a newly identified acylated 28-amino-acid peptide and an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue type 1a receptor (GHS-R1a), is produced mainly in the stomach, but is also secreted in low levels by...
The case is described of a 32 year-old HIV positive female patient who complained of gastrointestinal disorders
for 3 months (diarrhea, abdominal pain, lack of appetite, vomiting) and had low blood Fe levels. The
In the past few years the popularity of e-learning as a new educational method has increased considerably, allowing the implementation of new strategies and methods of teaching and learning. The decreased cost of compute...
EP ID EP159927
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How To Cite
I. ΚΩΣΤΟΓΛΟΥ-ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ (2003). Ορμονική θεραπεία υποκατάστασης στην εμμηνόπαυση<br />
. Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής, 20(6),
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Superficial mucocele
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The design of the object of prognostic therapeutic intervention studies
Prognostic intervention studies can be either preventive intervention studies or therapeutic intervention studies. The formulation of prognosis about the progress of the health of an individual is one of the most importa...
The role of ghrelin on glucose homeostasis
Ghrelin, a newly identified acylated 28-amino-acid peptide and an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue type 1a receptor (GHS-R1a), is produced mainly in the stomach, but is also secreted in low levels by...
An unusual case of co-existence of Hookworm with HIV infection in a patient in Greece
The case is described of a 32 year-old HIV positive female patient who complained of gastrointestinal disorders for 3 months (diarrhea, abdominal pain, lack of appetite, vomiting) and had low blood Fe levels. The antiv...
e-learning. Basic principles and the presentation of a radiological educational project
In the past few years the popularity of e-learning as a new educational method has increased considerably, allowing the implementation of new strategies and methods of teaching and learning. The decreased cost of compute...