Since the beginning of the 1990s, much effort has been devoted to developing methods and instruments for quality assurance in the field of health promotion. The systematic use of such tools has been found to improve the...
This article discusses the evolution in the concept of primary health care from the introduction of its principles, priorities and organizational structure at the WHO Alma Ata World Health Assembly 1978 to the current sh...
The causality debate has centered on two issues, the metaphysical, and the epistemic. The metaphysical issue concerns the nature of the connection between cause and effect: how and in virtue of what does the cause bring...
OBJECTIVE Hypertension affects one third of the world population and is one of the most common conditions encountered in primary health care. Although the effective treatment of hypertension has been found to prevent rel...
EP ID EP159927
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How To Cite
I. ΚΩΣΤΟΓΛΟΥ-ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ (2003). Ορμονική θεραπεία υποκατάστασης στην εμμηνόπαυση<br />
. Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής, 20(6),
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Evaluating quality in health promotion: The EQUIHP
Since the beginning of the 1990s, much effort has been devoted to developing methods and instruments for quality assurance in the field of health promotion. The systematic use of such tools has been found to improve the...
Strengthening and Enlarging Primary Health Care as an evidence-based public health option under resource constraints: the case of opioid addiction
This article discusses the evolution in the concept of primary health care from the introduction of its principles, priorities and organizational structure at the WHO Alma Ata World Health Assembly 1978 to the current sh...
Dystrophic breast calcification in scleroderma
No abstract available
The causality debate has centered on two issues, the metaphysical, and the epistemic. The metaphysical issue concerns the nature of the connection between cause and effect: how and in virtue of what does the cause bring...
Perceptions and assessment of physicians and patients regarding the regulation of arterial hypertension in primary health care
OBJECTIVE Hypertension affects one third of the world population and is one of the most common conditions encountered in primary health care. Although the effective treatment of hypertension has been found to prevent rel...