Orthogonal Arrays and Row-Column and Block Designs for CDC Systems

Journal Title: Current Trends on Biostatistics & Biometrics - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


In this article, block and row-column designs for genetic crosses such as Complete diallel cross system using orthogonal arrays (p2, r, p, 2), where p is prime or a power of prime and semi balanced arrays (p(p-1)/2, p, p, 2), where p is a prime or power of an odd prime, are derived. The block designs and row-column designs for Griffing’s methods A and B are found to be A-optimal and the block designs for Griffing’s methods C and D are found to be universally optimal in the sense of Kiefer. The derived block and rowcolumn designs for method A and C are new and consume minimum experimental units. According to Gupta block designs for Griffing’s methods A,B,C and D are orthogonally blocked designs. AMS classification: 62K05. Orthogonal arrays of strength d were introduced and applied in the construction of confounded symmetrical and asymmetrical factorial designs, multifactorial designs (fractional replication) and so on Rao [1-4] Orthogonal arrays of strength 2 were found useful in the construction of other combinatorial arrangements. Bose, Shrikhande and Parker [5] used it in the disproof of Euler’s conjecture. Ray-Chaudhari and Wilson [6-7] used orthogonal arrays of strength 2 to generate resolvable balanced incomplete block designs. Rao [8] gave method of construction of semi-balanced array of strength 2. These arrays have been used in the construction of resolvable balanced incomplete block design. A complete diallel crossing system is one in which a set of p inbred lines, where p is a prime or power of a prime, is chosen and crosses are made among these lines. This procedure gives rise to a maximum of v =p2 combination. Griffing [9] gave four experimental methods.

Authors and Affiliations

Mahndra Kumar Sharma


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  • EP ID EP640219
  • DOI 10.32474/CTBB.2018.01.000103
  • Views 24
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How To Cite

Mahndra Kumar Sharma (2018). Orthogonal Arrays and Row-Column and Block Designs for CDC Systems. Current Trends on Biostatistics & Biometrics, 1(1), 15-21. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-640219