Основи прізвищ Уманщини як джерело вивчення власних імен досліджуваної території


Though surnames ere the youngest class of the proper names, they are abundant source of the study of lexical variety, history, way of life and traditions of the people living on the particular territory. The most numerous group of the surnames are derived from the Christian names and today they are the subject of research of the regional anthroponomy. The analysis of 3,600 modern Uman district surnames showed that 18,81% of them are derived from 182 male Christian names or their derivatives. Among the most popular are (in the brackets the number of surnames is indicated): Hryhorii (30), Mykhailo (23), Danylo(17), Matvii (15), Ivan (14), Mykola (14), Fedir (14), Vasyl(14), Luka (14), Pavlo (12), Petro (12), Semen (12), Kuzma (11), Tymofii (11), Prokip (10, Stepan (10), Andrii (10), Khoma (10). Female surnames are less popular, because of the tradition to call children after their fathers and grandfathers. Only 72 modern surnames are derived from the female Christian names. The most popular are: Varvara (6), Mariia (6), Halyna (5), Hanna (4), Kateryna (4), Akulyna (3), Yeva (3), Mahdalyna (2), Motria (2), Ustyna (2), Khavronia (2). In the stems of the modern surnames we can found both full names and their derivatives. The most productive of them are apocopic (by means of apheresis, syncope, apocope) and suffixal names. Among the most popular suffixes are: -k-о: Vasylko: Vasylchenko, Yusko�: � ko; -yk: Andronik, Hrynyk; -ets: Andriiets, Karpets, Trofimets; -ukh: Iliukhin, Karpukhov; -an: Kly� manskyi, Nauman; -r (-ur-а / ´ur-а): Mysiura, Stetsiura; -yn-а: Vaniushyna, Senchyna, Sukhyna; -ut-а: Ivaniuta, Maksiuta. Full names without any derivative changes are seldom used as surnames. We have discovered 11 male Christian names: Anastasii, Hapon, Yermak, Kurylo, Lazer, Leon, Ovdii, Ohii, Olefir, Yurii and two female surnames in the form of full Christian names: Lauta, Motria. So, the analysis of the Uman district surnames derived from the Christian names gives the idea of the most common names used in the period of surname formation, demonstrates their rich structural derivation and ways of their adaptation in Ukrainian language

Authors and Affiliations

Ю. І. Фернос


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  • EP ID EP499452
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-11-235-240
  • Views 116
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How To Cite

Ю. І. Фернос (2016). Основи прізвищ Уманщини як джерело вивчення власних імен досліджуваної території. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(11), 235-240. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-499452