Основні механізми й інструменти фінансово-економічної політики держави


У статті розглянуто сутнісні характеристики та особливості використання основних інструментів фінансово-економічної політики держави у сфері підтримки підприємницької діяльності. Проаналізовано різновиди субсидій, які можуть надаватись державою суб’єктам господарювання за класифікацією Світової організації торгівлі. Визначено принципову різницю і механізми надання адресних і неадресних субсидій. Досліджено вплив субсидій на конкурентне середовище і умови зовнішньої торгівлі. Окреслено особливості світового досвіду у використанні практик державного субсидування підприємств на сучасному етапі. The article discusses the essential characteristics and features of using basic tools of financial and economic policy in the field of business support. The author stresses that state financial policy is to be investigated as weighty component of economic regulation because strengthening the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy can strengthen effectiveness of structural changes in the economy. State support of entrepreneurship can be implemented using a wide range of available financial instruments, the main of which is the subsidy. Along with this, the key feature of all instruments and mechanisms of financial-economic policy is that they require direct funding from the budget. The concept of subsidy defined as all forms of state intervention in the economy, which resulted in changing the prices of goods and factors of production (and competition) in favor of certain enterprises. Subsidies are also considered as financial transfer in favor of companies, so this concept is interpreted in a narrow context. Different application of the term subsidies under various approaches leads to difficulty in comparing the volume of subsidies in different countries. Since different subsidies have different effects on competition and trade, the WTO Agreement provides for a differentiated approach to the use of various subsidies. The Agreement limits only the use of targeted subsidies that distort free competition, resource allocation in the economy and harm trade. At the same time, the use of untargeted subsidies is permitted under WTO. Depending on the selectivity of tools and measures of government support, it can be divided into horizontal and selective. Selective support includes instruments and measures that apply to certain activities or enterprises, while the horizontal includes tools to support the widest range of participants. Application of horizontal measures of state support is very important for low income countries. However, most researchers agree that a transitional economy’s horizontal state support should be complemented with selective one. One of the specific instruments of financial and economic policy is subsidizing some economic entities by others. It occurs when a government decides to supply certain goods or services at price lower than market one. The results of the research make it possible to make a conclusion that state financial support should be provided only to the extent that is necessary and proportionate to the objectives to be achieved. Under these conditions, it is possible to compare achievements and realities of socio-economic life with the priorities set by the Government

Authors and Affiliations

Pavel Skok


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How To Cite

Pavel Skok (2017). Основні механізми й інструменти фінансово-економічної політики держави. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(13), 24-31. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427260