Основні освітні траєкторії формування професійно-мовленнєвої культури майбутніх фахівців фізичного виховання [The Basic Educational Trajectories of Formation of the Speech Culture of Future Specialists of Physical Education]

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 9


The article exposes the theoretical and methodical principles of the formation of vocational and linguistic teacher’s culture as determined by the value institutions, multi-functional problem, which defines the priority aspects of professional activity of physical education specialists, the continuity of its formation, as well as the interconnections and interconnected stages of the development of such process. The basic educational trajectories of formation of the speech culture of future specialists of physical education are shown. The connection between trajectories of language, speech, communication and their influence on the professional formation of a specialist of physical education are established. It is determined that speech culture of future specialists of physical education is a component of communicative competence. The efficacy of the above-mentioned trajectories in the development of vocal-speech culture of future leading specialists in physical education field has been proved.

Authors and Affiliations

Halyna Kondratska


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  • EP ID EP227533
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.26-9
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How To Cite

Halyna Kondratska (2017). Основні освітні траєкторії формування професійно-мовленнєвої культури майбутніх фахівців фізичного виховання [The Basic Educational Trajectories of Formation of the Speech Culture of Future Specialists of Physical Education]. Traektoriâ Nauki, 3(9), 5010-5023. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-227533