Особливості формування командної згуртованості юних спортсменок в ігрових видах спорту. (Features of the formation of team cohesion of young athletes in team sports).

Journal Title: Спортивні ігри - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 3


Shalar O., Strykalenko E., Huzar V. Features of the formation of team cohesion of young athletes in team sports. Purpose: consists in certain features of the formation of team cohesion in team sports. Material and methods: the following research methods were used: psychological and pedagogical survey of the level of cohesion and conflict in the team (methods L. Stolyarenko, K. Thomas, Sishara, etc.); methods of mathematical processing of the results. The study involved 4 women's teams, namely: the handball “Dnepryanka”, the basketball “Tavria stars”, the football “Yuzhanka” and the volleyball team “Edaleida” of the Kherson region. Age of girls 13-14 years. Results: comparing the level of team cohesion of young athletes in various team sports showed that the index of group cohesion is significantly higher in young handball players and basketball players; A similar trend is observed when comparing data assessing the value unity of the collective. The psychological climate in all teams is almost the same; Handball players resolve a conflict situation by cooperating, and in other teams  a compromise; in all sports teams there is a domination of the activity and value sphere over the emotional one. Conclusions: The results of determining the relationship between the indicators of competitive activity and the level of team cohesion resulted in the existence of a close relationship (r = 0.825) between the success of joint activities and indicators of competitive performance, between the collective unity of values, the level of group cohesion and the level of sports leadership: r = 0.852 and r = 0.420 respectively. It was also found that with the growth of sports results, conflict situations are resolved through cooperation (r = 0.777). The prospect of further research should be related to the influence of the coach's authority on the team cohesion and unity of young athletes.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Shalar, Eu. Strykalenko, V. Huzar


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  • EP ID EP574934
  • DOI 10.15391/si.2019-3.08
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How To Cite

O. Shalar, Eu. Strykalenko, V. Huzar (2019). Особливості формування командної згуртованості юних спортсменок в ігрових видах спорту. (Features of the formation of team cohesion of young athletes in team sports).. Спортивні ігри, 3(3), 64-73. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-574934