Особливості інституціонального підходу вивчення проблем злочинності в місцях несвободи


У статті розкрито особливості інституціонального підходу до вивчення проблем злочинності в місцях несвободи, що виявляються в причинному комплексі вчинених у місцях несвободи кримінальних правопорушень і мотивації формування злочинної поведінки як засуджених, які відбувають кримінальне покарання, так і персоналу, який, забезпечуючи кримінально- виконавчий процес, вчиняє кримінальні правопорушення. The article deals with the features of institutional approach of studying of problems of crime in custodial setting. There are manifested in the causal complex of offenses committed in custodial setting and the motivation of the formation of criminal behavior in convicts, who are serving a criminal punishment, and in personnel, who are providing a criminal-executive process and commits criminal offenses. Features of institutional approach of studying of a problem of crime in custodial setting state policy in the sphere of execution of punishments and a probation which demands the improvement on orientation of observance in the cities of unfreedom of requirements of the international standards of treatment of convicts and prisoners, developments of effective mechanisms of prevention of commission of criminal offenses in custodial setting, safety by the convict and personnel influences. To problems of custodial setting it is necessary to allocate establishment of the reasons and conditions promoting criminal behavior among persons in custodial setting. The bans established by the law on criminal liability the criminal and executive code and departmental normative legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine not always provide subjects of prevention of crime in custodial setting with due tools of legal, psychology and pedagogical, social and educational and preventive influence. Studying of the convict for new crime is studied by us from the following positions: specific features of the convict (the birth, mental and physical properties, age, sex, education, a profession, marital status) impact on the convict of the social background phenomena (alcohol, drugs, religion, unemployment, living conditions, violence in family, etc.); influence on the person of natural factors (season, climate, etc.). It is necessary to recognize institutional approach of studying of problems of crime in custodial setting that result of lack of national ideology, loss of cultural wealth, distribution of legal nihilism, change of social priorities towards mercenary orientation, nonprofessionalism in penal system. The research of features of institutional approach of studying of problems of crime in custodial setting will create conditions to scientific penitentsiarist to expand a vector of studying of penitentiary criminology and will allow to receive quantitative quality standard of the general social and economic expenses of society (the states, social institutes, withheld the person, the third parties) connected with commission of new criminal offenses in custodial setting.

Authors and Affiliations

А. І. Богатирьов


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А. І. Богатирьов (2017). Особливості інституціонального підходу вивчення проблем злочинності в місцях несвободи. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 79(3), 26-33. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-417975