Особливості кримінальних проваджень на підставі угод
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 82, Issue 2
У статті розглянуто особливості здійснення кримінального провадження на підставі угод про примирення між потерпілим та підозрюваним чи обвинуваченим, а також угод між прокурором та підозрюваним чи обвинуваченим про визнання винуватості. Визначено основні недоліки нормативного врегулювання інституту угод у чинному КПК України. Запропоновано зміни до процесуального законодавства, що дозволять підвищити кількість кримінальних проваджень, у яких ухвалюються вироки на підставі угод, а також будуть сприяти реалізації права потерпілого, підозрюваного та обвинуваченого на альтернативне вирішення кримінально-правових спорів. The article deals with the specifics of the implementation of criminal proceedings on the basis of agreements on reconciliation between the victim and the suspect or the accused, as well as agreements between the prosecutor and the suspect or the accused about pleading guilty. Advantages of this type of accelerated production are indicated in comparison with pre-trial investigation and judicial review, which are conducted in a general manner. The main shortcomings of the normative regulation of the institution of agreements in the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine are determined. The main shortcomings of the normative regulation of the institution of agreements in the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine are determined. Changes are proposed in the procedural legislation allowing to increase the number of criminal proceedings in which the court orders verdicts on the basis of agreements, as well as facilitating the realization of the rights of the victim, suspect and accused for alternative resolution of criminal legal disputes. The need for compulsory participation of a defense counsel in concluding an agreement on reconciliation between the victim and the suspect or the accused, as well as the mandatory participation of the prosecutor during the judicial review of the conciliation agreement on public prosecution, is justified. The possibility of re-applying to the court with a reconciliation agreement or recognizing guilt in one criminal proceeding, subject to the elimination of circumstances that became the basis for refusal to approve the agreement by the court, was argued. It is pointed out that Article 42 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, which establishes the basic rights and obligations of the suspect and accused, entitles the specified participants in criminal proceedings to conclude agreements with the victim on reconciliation or with the prosecutor on pleading guilty. In order to avoid mistakes in the texts of reconciliation agreements between the victim and the suspect, it was suggested that the prosecutor be given the right to verify these agreements and return them to the parties to eliminate the violations found, which he must issue a reasoned decision. This change in legislation will reduce the number of cases of courts making decisions to refuse to approve reconciliation agreements because of their inconsistency with material or procedural law, which will have a positive effect on respecting the rights of both the injured party and the suspect or accused.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Іванович Литвинчук
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