Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 15
Аналізується феномен непрямого політичного насилля як інструменту реалізації влади, його сутність, функції, основні форми. Розглянуті різні аспекти прояву непрямого політичного насилля – структурне, культурне, символічне, ідеологічне, інформаційне, інформаційно-психологічне насилля. Непряме політичне насилля спрямоване на придушення волі, викривлення картини світу, легалізацію прямого насилля, легітимацію суспільно-політичного ладу. Воно характеризується латентністю, опосередкованістю, безособовістю, системністю, масштабністю. В умовах глобалізації та інформатизації світу роль та значення непрямого політичного насилля збільшується. Воно стає універсальним ресурсом влади та одним із найважливіших засобів здійснення зовнішньополітичної агресії. Indirect political violence appears as one of the most important resources of political power in modern social and political life. The aim of this article is to investigate the nature, functions and basic forms of indirect implementation of political violence in the context of the current political process. The article is based on the works of foreign and native researchers: P. Bourdieu, J. Galtung, O. Dzoban, V. Ostroukhov, V. Petryk, V. Pylypchuk, G Pocheptsov etc. Indirect political violence is defined as soft (non-physical) influence on the object (individual, group, society) against his will or as harm of non-physical nature inflicted in order to implement certain political interests. Indirect political violence is implemented in structural, cultural, symbolic, ideological, informational, psychological forms. According to J. Galtung's theory, indirect violence that is implemented through structural and cultural forms is a foundation for direct violence. Structural violence as a political system's function aimed to create social conditions for impairment of a civilian right, liberty and interests is a factor for a formation of an aggressive social environment where the violence appears as an organic component and one of the main recourses of political power. In the concept of symbolic power by P. Bourdieu symbolic violence appears as a means of legitimation and maintenance of a certain social and political order. Through symbolic violence certain meanings, standards, purposes, rules, ideas etc are forced upon citizens as legitimate ones. An ideology by which corporate interests of the ruling class are represented as public interest is an important means for the implementation of symbolic violence . One of the main forms of indirect violence is information violence which has become a versatile resource of the political power in recent decades. Information violence is implemented in two aspects - information-teсhnical and information-psychological. It has almost no limitation in space and time and can be a determinant of other violence forms. Under the conditions of today's social and political transformations caused by processes of globalization and informatization of society, the role of indirect political violence as a universal resource of power and means foreign aggression is growing. Indirect violence acts as a catalyst for other forms of political violence. It appears as a factor of reconstruction of a socially unjust and destructive order.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Balatska
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