Особливості обстановки та способу вчинення злочину як елементів криміналістичної характеристики посягань на життя працівника правоохоронного органу
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 84, Issue 4
На підставі аналізу наукової літератури та практики органів досудового слідства розглянуто деякі елементи криміналістичної характеристики посягань на життя працівника правоохоронного органу (обстановка вчинення злочину, способи вчинення та приховування злочину), визначено їх взаємозв’язок, на підставі проведеного дослідження визначено статистичні відомості щодо зазначених елементів криміналістичної характеристики. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific literature and practice of the bodies of pre-trial investigation, some elements of the criminalistic characterization of encroachments on the life of the law enforcement officer (the circumstances of the commission of a crime, ways of committing and concealing the crime) are considered, their relationship determined, on the basis of the conducted research, the statistical data on the specified elements of forensic characteristics are determined. Accordingly, crimes that encroach on the life and health of law enforcement officials are particularly severe in the category. The increased risk of such crimes is due to the fact that they directly encroach on the normal activities of the law enforcement officer on the protection of public order and the provision of public safety, as well as on the lives and health of these individuals. An attack on a law enforcement officer's life should be understood as killing or attempted murder. In this case, the subjective part of these crimes is the mental activity of a person directly related to the commission of a crime. The subjective side is revealed with the help of legal features - the guilt, the motive and purpose of the crime, which represent various forms of mental activity, interconnected and dependent on each other. In committing a crime, the person reaches the consciousness of the object of the crime, the nature of the actions, foresees (or has the ability to foresee) the consequences. Among the signs of some types of crimes, the legislator includes the place, time of the situation, etc. Thus, the awareness of these additional attributes is also included in the content of the element of guilt. The complete forensic description of a particular crime as a result of a complete and objective analysis of a socially dangerous act involves identifying the characteristic features of all elements of the criminal encroachment, and above all - the person who committed the crime, the situation, the method, the motives of the crime, the person of the victim and other circumstances that are subject clarification As can be seen, the full forensic description of a specific crime can be given only after the disclosure of the latter, which becomes possible due to the use at the initial stage of the investigation of the corresponding typical forensic characteristics.
Authors and Affiliations
Влада Олександрівна Гусєва
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