Особливості слідчого експерименту під час розслідування вбивств із хуліганських мотивів
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ - Year 2015, Vol 68, Issue 1
На підставі аналізу практики органів досудового слідства, наукової літератури запропоновано деталізацію основних положень тактики проведення слідчого експерименту під час розслідування вбивств із хуліганських мотивів. На основании анализа практики органов досудебного следствия, научной литературы предложена детализация основных положений тактики проведения следственного эксперимента при расследовании убийств из хулиганских побуждений. On the basis of the practice analysis of pre-trial agencies, scientific literature the author offers the detailing of the main provisions of the tactics of conducting an investigative experiment while investigating murders of hooligan motives. It is emphasized that murders of this kind are characterized by a significant social danger. Criminal acts are of daring nature, committed in public places, accompanied by brutal beating of victims, destruction of property. The tendency of increase of the degree of public danger by committing these crimes by groups, which are characterized by relatively high levels of cohesion and organization of criminals, is also outlined. Their actions are often linked to political and ethnic conflicts, sometimes escalating into riots, arsons. These conditions greatly affect the specificity of training and conduction of the investigative experiment. Stated investigative action can clearly refute false testimony of the suspect or becomes an important way of checking testimony of a witness, suspect, and in many cases plays a crucial role in establishing the truth in criminal proceedings. It is noted that there are difficulties to establish the hooligan motives of a murder in the investigative practice that would takes place only, when the perpetrator deprives another person of life due to obvious disrespect for the society, disregard of universal rules of coexistence and morality, as well as without any reason using a minor issue, which is a determining factor. Taking into consideration the above, the author has formulated recommendations on training the direct conduction and fixing the results of the investigative experiment while investigating the stated category of crimes.
Authors and Affiliations
R. K. Bichurin
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